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Our designers and developers are the creme dé la creme. They understand what’s needed to make a site function seamlessly and look great to produce your desired result.

They have a wide range of experience that they bring to the table. When it comes to custom built solutions, our designers and developers bring years of experience in data management and website development, working with some of the largest websites in the country.

The designer (Shane) began the process with detailed use cases. The wireframes were built. The colors finalized. The personas understood. And with the final layouts completed and approved, he passed the project off to the developer (John).

Based on the designs for HireMeAspen, John tirelessly built the database from scratch using Ruby on Rails, creating a highly functional and interactive website. Some functionality examples of the HireMeAspen membership site include: posting profiles (worker and partner), ratings and recommendations, the ability to join a crew, job postings, worker availability calendars, my connections counter and contact info access placed behind a subscriber wall.

Connie Hammond oversaw the entire project including: original concept, user interface, copywriting, content creation, marketing, social media, pr, sales and financing as the site owner.

When you view the profile details below, you only begin to envision how the complicated back-end functionality powers the interactive profiles.  The HireMeAspen.com website has transitioned into the ever-evolving ResortWorkers.com in order to reach a larger market.

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